Chardymskaya Marina Stanislavovna – (Modern management colledge)
Almost all persons of working age, including representatives of one of the few groups of the population-people with visual impairment can carry out professional activities with a high or low level of productivity. The purpose of the study presented in this publication is to develop a methodology for as-sessing the labor potential of visually impaired people which allows to deter-mine the labor opportunities and limitations of labor activity of persons in this category, taking into account their psycho-physiological and socio-personal characteristics. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to use a more complex structure of the labor potential of blind and visually impaired workers in comparison with the structure of the labor potential of healthy citizens. Particularly, in the structure of the labor po-tential of persons with profound visual impairment it is proposed to allocate the General part formed by the components peculiar to any citizens regardless of the state of health and the specific part which includes the ability to work and the level of rehabilitation of persons with visual disabilities.
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