
Russian Journal of Humanistic Psychology (RJHP) aims to become an expert information center in the sphere of practical psychology in terms of the humanistic approach. It contains different kinds of material relating to such scientific psychological categories as clinical psychology, sports psychology, social, family and applied psychology, and acmeology.
Priority attention is given to developmental psychology and research about people’s lifestyle, including their life goals.
The basis of the journal is the results of research and analytical surveys. It also includes publication of additional material such as event announcements, reviews, letters and selections of practical recommendations on how to apply the methodical materials published.
BIBLIO-GLOBUS Publishing House
Myasnitskaya st., 13-2, 101000, Moscow, Russia
+7 495 215 01 38
Editorial Board:
SEMIKIN Gennady – academician of the functional division of “Health saving technologies” of the Russian Academy of mediko-engineering science; academician of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Director of Educational-methodical center “Health saving technologies and prevention of drug addiction in the youth environment”, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
OBOLONSKY Yury – head of the Center for psychological rehabilitation and innovative development of man Radomir, President of the Association sports or practicing psychology, candidate of psychological Sciences, leading researcher, Bauman Moscow state technical University
Editorial Board
AVANESYAN Grant — doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, head of General psychology chair, Yerevan state University, Armenia
AGAPOV Valeriy — doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, Professor, chair of acmeology and psychology of professional activity of the Russian Academy of national economy and state service under the President of the Russian Federation
ANISIMOV Oleg — doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, academician of the International Academy of acmeological Sciences, Russian ecological Academy, Academy of social technologies and local self-government, Academy of social and pedagogical Sciences, the International Academy of Sciences, Professor, chair of acmeology and psychology of professional activity of the Russian Academy of national economy and state service under the President of the Russian Federation
GORDEEV Mikhail — doctor of medical Sciences, candidate of psychological Sciences, Professor, rector of the Institute of psychotherapy and clinical psychology
DZHIGA Nadezhda — doctor of psychological Sciences, associate professor, professor of chair of psychology and pedagogy, BIP – Institute of Law, Republic of Belarus
VOLKOV Alexander — doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Director of Scientific-educational medical technology center Bauman Moscow State Technical University
ILYIN Viktor — doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University
LAPTEV Leonid — doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, head of chair of social psychology and psychology of labor
LYUBOV Evgeniy — doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of Department of suicide-studying Moscow research Institute of psychiatry – branch of the Federal medical research centre of psychiatry and addiction psychiatry named after V. P. Serbsky Ministry of health of the Russian Federation
MYSINA Galina — doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, full member and academician-Secretary of the functional departments of “Health saving technologies” of the Russian Academy mediko-engineering science, Deputy Director of Educational-methodical center “Health saving technologies and prevention of drug addiction in the youth environment”, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
PUSCO Vitaly — doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor, academician of the Academy of pedagogical and social Sciences, Military Academy, Professor of the Department of Information Analytics and technology policy” Bauman Moscow State Technical University
SINYAGIN Yury — doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director of the Higher School of Public Administration of the the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
SINYAGINA Natalia — doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, President of Interregional public organization to promote education “Commonwealth of organizers of educational process”
KHACHATUROVA Emma — candidate of psychological Sciences, Vice-President of the Association of sports and practicing psychologists
Journal contacts:
+7 495 215 01 38