
The Journal of Creative Economy is dedicated to studying the aspects of economic creativity as a source for economic growth mechanisms and innovations developing. The journal deals with institutional and macroeconomic issues such as knowledge management, development of human and intellectual capital, innovational development of the state and regions, formation of a national innovation system, and also with various practical aspects, including leadership and innovation management. Special attention is paid to the issues of creative and innovatively active professionals training at the institutions of higher and vocational education. The main content of the journal includes analytical reviews and the results of original scientific studies.
- ISSN: 1994-6929 (print)
- ISSN: 2409-4684 (online)
- IF-RSCI: 0,420
- Peer-reviewed
- Published since 2007
- Mass-media registration:: PI № FS77-24216 / 25.04.2006
- Frequency: 12 issues a year (monthly)
- Circulation: 1100 copies
- Publication: Hybrid OA (traditional + Gold OA)
- Publication language: Russian
- Metadata language: Russian, English
- Publisher: Creative Economy Publichers LLC, Moscow, Russia
- Official website: http://ce.creativeconomy.ru
- Indexation: RSCI, Ulrich’s, Google Scholar
- ASJC classification: 2002, 3304
Peer-Review Policy
All submitted manuscripts are subject to peer-review by at least two experts.
The blind and double-blind methods are used. The peer-review process takes 2 weeks and more.
In the case of non-compliance to journal subject or the requirements to the conducted research and design of the article the author will receive a reasoned refusal.
The reviews of published papers are stored of at least 5 years and can be provided at the request of the supervisory authorities.
For more details of peer-review process, please, see the Peer-Review Statement.
Accepted manuscripts meeting requirements are to be published in the journal according to the editorial plans. The metadata is publishing online in Russian and English.
Publication Ethics
The editorial staff follows all the principles of publication ethics in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the commonPublication Ethics Statement.
Subscription (print version):
- Rospechat: 36211
- Pressa RF: 86118
- Ural-press
Online version and single articles:
+7 495 648 6241