Khandamova Eva Frizovna – (Kuban State Technological University)
The value of the brand as a tool for managing the marketing behavior of the subject in the context of structural transformations in the economy is identified. Requirements to create a rational brand communications to improve brand competitiveness are formulated. The brand is considered as an open and variable system, the components of which change the meaning in the contexts created by marketing. The regularity of consumer choice under the influence of factors such as trust, status and lifestyle is determined. The model of brand communications management in terms of adaptation of marketing behavior of subjects to the needs of consumers in the restructuring of the production sector in order to ensure economic growth of the business is developed. The interrelation of the components of the brand (mission, trust, status and lifestyles of the consumer, the history of the producer, etc.) with the marketing tools (archetypes, traditional and non-traditional marketing communications), which activates the processes of structural transformations in the production sector of the economy is defined.
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