Pulyaeva Valentina Nikolaevna – (The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
At the moment, the state of the construction industry of the Russian Federation can be described as a crisis. Despite the implementation of large-scale projects in the past years, including the preparation for the Football World Cup and the program of housing renovation, the industry remains underfunded and is not yet able to return to the level of development that was observed in the country until 2014. In such circumstances, construction companies are forced to reduce production costs, including personnel. At the same time, in the context of digitalization of the economy and society, as well as constantly increasing requirements and standards in the industry there is a lack of highly qualified specialists. Construction organizations often find it difficult to form an effective team for the implementation of a project. All this determines the need for the formation of an effective system of development and training of personnel in the construction industry in order to create a capable team of professionals involved in their activities and loyal to their organization. In this regard, it is advisable to improve the quality and effectiveness of training, so that each ruble invested in training brings the maximum possible return. The author considered the main trends observed in the construction industry in recent years. On the example of one of the construction companies of the Central federal region, the main shortcomings of the personnel training system were identified, for the elimination of which a model of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of training and professional development of personnel of a construction organization was proposed. This model includes criteria for evaluation of learning outcomes, the system of distribution of responsibility for training in the organization between its various employees and departments, as well as targeting the target audience of students of various training programs and business education.
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