Taraban Olga Vyacheslavovna – (Baikal State University)
Since the formation and development of the concept of the quality of working life, domestic and foreign scientists have been actively engaged in controversy about indicators that allow to evaluate the quality of working life. The researchers are united in one thing that it is impossible to assess the quality of working life by one indicator and speak of the need to use a group of indicators, the structure of which is dynamic and depends largely on the level of consideration of this problem. An analysis of the positions of the activity-based and substantive approach revealed that, despite the separation of a different number of levels of assessment of the quality of labor life, it occurs at two main levels: at the organization level or intra-company level and at the level external to the organization. The list of indicators characterizing a particular level contains a set of objective and subjective indicators that evaluate individual parameters of working life. Considering that within the framework of the concept of quality of working life, considerable attention is paid to professional growth and development of an employee, that is, professional intra-firm labor mobility, the article considers approaches to building an integral indicator for assessing the quality of working life in an organization based on job search theory.
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