Mylnikova Elena Mikhaylovna – (Perm National Research Polytechnic University)
Nagibina Nadezhda Pavlovna – (Perm State Institute of Culture)
Yakupova Olga Viktorovna – (Perm National Research Polytechnic University)
This article presents the results of a study of russian and foreign experience in personnel outsourcing use. In the course of the study, the necessity and relevance of the use of "personnel outsourcing" as a modern method of doing business, which contributes to the competitiveness of the organization, was determined. Analyzing the activities of leading russian and foreign companies that actively use personnel outsourcing, the authors identified the main areas of both outsourcing in general and "personnel outsourcing". The identified areas of personnel outsourcing are particularly in demand today and can be considered not only as a way to ensure the competitiveness of the company, but also as a potential tool for its improvement. The results of the study can be used by the management of organizations in making decisions regarding the use of "personnel outsourcing" in their activities.
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