Sergievskaya Irina – (Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation)
The relevance of the topic is dictated by the humanistic directionality of the common goal of volunteering – the implementation of the useful socially significant activity on gratuitous basis. The process of recruitment, training, organization of volunteer work is a special kind of human resource management, which requires special technologies. However, it should be noted that volunteering in Russia is formed spontaneously, without the necessary economic, legal and program provision.
► the insufficient number of effective programs of youth volunteering in organizations, the absence of a direct access to the information about the opportunity of participating in a volunteer program for many young people are serious obstacles to participation in socially useful activities
► the participation of young people in volunteering alters the world outlook and benefits both the state, and volunteers who have the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities, to satisfy the need for communication and self-esteem, to realize the usefulness and necessity, to develop personal qualities
► the main motive for volunteering is volunteering itself, which aims to help others, but the altruistic motive, which should ideally be prevalent, is unstable and is supported by the desire of a volunteer to get something more
► to engage young people in volunteering at the state level, the necessary conditions and incentives should be created, for example the accounting of the volunteer work experience
► an additional incentive for working people, who besides the primary employment are engaged in volunteering, may be brought in by adding three additional days to the size of a vacation for 100 hours of volunteer work
► the presence of the experience gained by a young man during the volunteering can be a decisive factor for an employer to make an employment decision
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