Timokhina Galina S. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Doctoral Student of the Chair of International Economics (Institute of International Relations, Yekaterinburg)
Kulikova Elena S. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student of the Chair of International Economics (Institute of International Relations, Yekaterinburg)
Keywords:consumer behavior, cross-cultural differences, global consumers, marketing
Citation: Galina Timokhina, Elena Kulikova (2015). Marketing researches of global consumer behavior. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(15), 2397-2406. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.15.561
The scientific article represents the short review of studies concerning consumer behavior in different cultures. The review allows to evaluate the dynamics of studying cross-cultural differences in the consumers’ behavior in the foreign and Russian science and to define the priorities for future research.