Litvinyuk Aleksandr Aleksandrovich – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Okhremenko Irina Vladimirovna – (Volgograd Institute (branch) of PRUE)
Kuzub Ekaterina Vasilevna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
The article presents the results of research related to the study of the features of the motivational profile of young professionals focused on activities in the creative and innovative sectors of the economy. The research was carried out on the basis of the Litvinyuk A.A. author's methodology allowing to determine the nature of motivational preferences of respondents in an automated mode. The obtained results allowed to cast doubt on the effectiveness of administrative measures aimed at the rejuvenation of scientific personnel in modern Russia, as the majority of people entering or intending to enter graduate school, to a greater extent imitate their interest in creative and innovative activities and, after graduation, do not plan to build their career trajectory in the field of science, higher education and high technologies. Really talented young people prefer to be employed in the commercial sector, in the state and municipal service, etc.
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