Ilyushnikova Ekaterina Konstantinovna – (International Institute of Management Economics and Information Systems – Altai State University)
Ilyushnikov Konstantin Konstantinovich – (International Institute of Management Economics and Information Systems – Altai State University)
The article describes the prerequisites for the emergence of automated personnel management systems in a commercial organization. The highlighted management units, within which operate a modern automated system of personnel management. A set of automated personnel management systems according to the criterion of their functional orientation is indicated. The range of tasks solved by means of automation of HR-processes in commercial organizations is indicated. The analysis of domestic and foreign automated personnel management systems revealed the main tasks to be solved. The main trends in the implementation of HR-process automation tools in Russian and foreign companies are presented. Subsystems in the personnel management system that have the maximum automation process in Russia and the world are defined. Forecasting of further directions of development of tools of automation of HR processes in Russia is carried out.
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