Orekhova Tatyana Romanovna – (Moscow Institute of Modern Academic Education, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Orekhov Vladimir Ivanovich – (Moscow Institute of Modern Academic Education, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Karandina Irina Konstantinovna – (Russian New University, Moscow, Russian Federation)
This article discusses the training of HR managers and their employability in today's job market. The authors described the substantial characteristics of a HR manager. The novelty of the study is in new innovative requirements to the expertise of managers proposed by the authors in terms of the cognitive approach to this process.
► discrepancy between individual expectations and reality results in increasing frustration and discontent by members of the group of its performance and the effectiveness of leadership
► conflicts and manifestations of individual motifs make the members of the group understand the importance of harmony and group cohesion as factors of efficiency of group activities
► each type of subordinates makes the manager apply a specific approach to maximize the use of individual potential of any staff member
► a manager with a high potential plans and organizes work in an effective manner and readily makes decisions
► a manager with a high potential makes a strong and positive impression on others and has good oral presentation skills
► a manager with a high potential supports the efficient work in uncertain and non-constructive conditions
► a manager with a high potential is willing to learn and has a wide range of potential
► a manager with a high potential thinks that job satisfaction is important more than his colleagues working in other areas of production
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