Litvinov Aleksandr Sergeevich – Post graduate, faculty of Economics, Voronezh State Technological Academy
Popov Nikolay Aleksandrovich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., assistant professor, Department of Information Technology Security, doctoral student, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
Makarov Vladimir Vasilyevich – Honored Worker of Science, Dr. of Econ. Sci. , professor, Head of Department of Economics and Management, Academician of International Academy of Communications, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
The collapse of the system of training for professional technical personnel, which existed during the Soviet period, the aging of personnel and lack of influx of young people produce a negative impact on the implementation of innovative projects. As a result, launching the new products is accompanied by the need to attract staff. The modernization of the education system is needed, aimed at creating sustainable relationships between educational organizations and enterprises.
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