Startseva Natalya Nikolaevna – (Ural State University of Railway Transport)
Bryukhova Olga Yurevna – (Ural State University of Railway Transport)
The article reveals the essence of testemonium as a form of advertising that uses the authority of a popular personality. On the basis of the content analysis and traditional analysis of documents, the volume and frequency of broadcasting of "star" advertising on Russian television, actors of media messages, objects of "authoritative" advertising are determined. It is concluded that the efficacy of testimonial depends on the compliance of the personal image of the "star" with the characteristics of the typical members of the targeted audiences of the channel and the advertised brand; the absence of negative actions of the celebrity during the advertising campaign, undermining not only its image, but also the image of the advertised brand; the presence of a similar amount of capital from the main actors involved in the creation and distribution of the advertising message. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that testemonium is one of the methods of celebrity marketing, which promotes goods and services in the domestic market and has great potential for its further development.
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