Borovskikh Nina Vladimirovna – (Omsk State Technical University)
Kipervar Elena Anatolevna – (Omsk State Technical University)
The article deals with the issues of identification and formation of digital competencies of management personnel in modern economic conditions. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the directions of formation of digital competencies of administrative and management personnel on the basis of identification of their content. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consists of the works of modern Russian and foreign researchers devoted to the study of the essence of the personnel competencies formation in the industrial enterprises and of the digitalization processes in the Russian economy. Analysis of statistical data showed that information and communication technologies are actively included in all social and economic spheres of the society and have a significant impact on the development of economic sectors. Under the influence of the processes of digitalization, the procedures for the collection and transmission of information are changing significantly. Due to the rapid obsolescence of the old technologies and the emergence of new ones, there is a need for the formation of new skills. Almost all professions and businesses will have a digital component in the future. The paper focuses on the fact that the competence model is the basis of key changes in the direction of training in the conditions of economy digitalization. Actualization, accumulation of knowledge in the field of digital technologies should be based on the application of various forms of training, exchange of information, such as participation in Russian and international conferences, hackathons, meetups and other events, the purpose of which is to exchange experiences.
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