Barabanov Daniil Dmitrievich – (Academy of Public Administration)
Rychkova Olga Nikolaevna – (Academy of Public Administration)
This article highlights the results of an empirical study on the relationship between the styles of parenting and their motivational characteristics. The sample was made by parents (N = 50), bringing up teenage children from complete (n = 15) and incomplete (n = 20) families. The following methods were used: Analysis of Family Relationships Technique by E. G. Eidemiller and V. V. Yustitskis, "Motivation for success" by T. Ehlers, "Motivation to avoid failures". T. Ehlers, a technique for diagnosing the self-assessment of motivation for approval by D. Marlowe, D. Crown. As a result, it was concluded that the level of motivation for approval from parents can determine the level of educational confidence and can be related to other motivational characteristics of parents. With a different degree of motivation to achieve or avoid failures in parents of teenagers from complete or incomplete families, the preference for parenting styles was virtually identical.
1. We live in a time of globalization and mass consumption, imposed consumption.
2. Volunteer organizations have shown their good side not only in terms of anti-drug work, but also in the development of patriotism.
3.Under intense loads of students there is a need for psychological accompaniment and support.
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