Pilnik Nikolay Petrovich – (The National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE); Advanced Financial Planning, Macroeconomic Analysis and Finance Statistics Center, Financial Research Institute ; Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Federal Research Centre. “Information and Management” of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow)
Pospelov Igor Germogenovich – (Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Federal Research Centre. “Information and Management” of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow)
Uzhegov Aleksey Aleksandrovich – (The National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE))
This paper suggests methods for analyzing the activities of certain income groups of households in the Russian Federation in the management of their savings and loans in the framework of dynamic models of rational behavior of macroeconomic agents. The statistical base of the research is the balance of incomes and expenditures of the population, obtained as a result of aggregation of the published tables by Rosstat. Models of individual income groups (heterogeneous households) are dynamic tasks of rational behavior that are similar in structure but differ in the estimated coefficients and, as a result, the reaction of income groups to the current economic policy. The latter fact makes it possible to use this model as a tool for assessing the measures taken and reforms.
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