Litvinyuk Aleksandr Aleksandrovich – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Zhigun Leonid Aleksandrovich – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Polevaya Marina Vladimirovna – (The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
Kamneva Elena Vladimirovna – (The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
The article presents the results of the study of features of organizational behavior of professors of the Russian higher education institutions which was conducted for the first time with the use of the algorithms "Theories of a Motivational Complex of labor activity" on the basis of interuniversity cooperation between Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics and Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The motivational complex theory is a rather new domestic development in the field of motivation which allows to algorithmize practical activity in the sphere of designing effective systems of motivation and stimulation of labor. It is based on the classification of motives of labor behavior including five basic groups, and on the analysis of their interference taking into account identification of three groups of communications between them, such as activating, oppressive and anti-oppressive. The basic concept of this theory is the motivational complex of labor activity as the complete system of interrelations between five groups of work motives, namely, motives of acquisition; motives of satisfaction; motives of safety; motives of submission and motives of energy saving. As tools we use the diagnostic technique "Motivation" developed by professor Litvinyuk A. and its digital version adapted to specifics of work of the faculty of the Russian universities. The software was developed at the department of human resource management and psychology at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. On the basis of the obtained results we present for the first time the analysis of the current features of organizational behavior of professors of higher education institution, possible options of its deviating options, and the forecast of its development in the lack of corrections of the used system of work motivation. The main researches are conducted on the basis of the data obtained as a result of a survey of professors of Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. On the basis of the results of the logical analysis of the obtained results we’ve developed and suggest recommendation for improving the system of motivation and stimulation of labor activities of the faculty of the Russian higher education institutions, allowing to improve the efficiency of the functioning and development of Russian universities. Basically, they are reduced to expansion of a variable component of the salary, stimulation of reproduction of scientific personnel and formation of matrix and design structures of management.
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