Yakovleva Oksana Spartakovna – (North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk (NEFU))
The article is devoted to the issues of wage differentiation. We pay special attention to the establishment of different levels of wages in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The study contains the analysis of statistical data on the wage of the economically active population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The article refers to the distribution of wages among employees. It also contains selective analytic observations of the wages of employees by level of education and considers wage differentiation. Considering the economic situation in the country, in the republic of Sakha in particular, we presume that there are trends in the change in the level of wage differentiation. The data of the article can be used for further research on the level of wage differentiation of the economically active population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
The wage level is important for modern economy. The higher the family income level, the less is the share of its expenditure on food products. Thereafter, there is a growing demand for industrial consumer goods. With a further increase in income, the costs for high-quality goods and services significantly increase. So, the structure of consumption expenditure varies in direct proportion to the amount of income.
The wage differentiation in Russia in different regions has a different level that’s why you can not confidently judge the situation in a particular region by the general level in Russia. Regions have a different demand for labor (occupations) and value the labor force in a different way.
Depending on a region, employees with the same specialty and qualification may have a completely different salary levels.
Differences in salary levels are compensatory and a region with good working conditions may have lower wages than in other regions, but at the same tine this region may have the same or better level of real income. The same thing goes with the difference in wage levels.
Such socio-geographical factors as the location of natural resources, which affects the main industry structure and natural, and climatic conditions have impact on the overall situation in the region.
Considering the current satiation in the world, the place of Russia in it, and a series of crises in the past, we may say that there are positive trends regarding the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient, and negative relative to the poverty level.
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