Saveleva Ekaterina Andreevna – ( Moscow Academy of Labor Market and Information Technology)
Remote work and network labor relations are widely used in foreign management practices, while in Russian economy they are at the stage of formation. Despite some publications, there is a lack of study of peculiarities of arrangement of remuneration for remote work and forms of its legal regulation. The article gives a comparative characteristics of the forms of legal registration of remote work in the Russian Federation, the key elements of the arrangement of remuneration for remote work, options for regulating the remuneration for remote work in an employment contract. We also present the features of individual incentive systems for remuneration.
1. the role of remuneration in the business system lies in creation of the interest of employees as free agents in preserving and developing social-labor relations with a particular business system (organization, enterprise, project team, etc.).
2. when organizing remuneration for labor, first of all it is necessary to take into account guarantees on wages, stipulated by contractual relations, agreements and current legislation; the principle of non-discrimination and justice
3. labor contract plays an important role in regulating the payment of remote work
4. when using individual incentive wage systems, you should take into account the professional status of the remote worker, the importance and complexity of the labor function and the factors depending on the employee
5. a significant feature in arrangement of remuneration for remote work is that its variable part can be very flexible
6. the success of the digital transformation of the Russian economy depends on the creation of an adequate regulatory mechanism and arrangement of remuneration
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