Bespalova Natalya Aleksandrovna – (Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance)
Formation of professional competence of employees at the present stage, which is necessary for the effective performance of administrative functions in the sphere of state and municipal social policy, is an urgent task of the Institute of Public Service of the Russian Federation. Thus, the public servants' competencies in public service and their ethical behavior directly predetermine the attitude of citizens to the state, to the system of government and to the institutions of a democratic society. Formed professional competence of a civil servant and, in the long term, of an administrator in one of the spheres of state and municipal social policy, which allow to effectively analyzing, planning and organizing work and management in general. Organizational and managerial competence in this area is also an important criterion and indicator of the professionalism of specialists involved in the implementation of socio-political and socio-economic processes. Another important task is the training of such unique specialists in the field of social policy; these experts would be competent both in the field of scientific research and practical work on the brink of economics and social processes. The training of civil servants who are intellectually prepared to solve scientific and practical social and economic problems in any sphere of social policy is the key to achieving effective results at the level of the state's social policy. The purpose of the study is to analyze modern development processes of professional competence of state and municipal employees in Russia. Hypothesis of the study. The Russian state and municipal service as the most important instrument of transformations in power, economy, and social sphere is a specific type of professional activity. That, in turn, involves the formation of specific competencies in the structure of professional competence.
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