In conditions of formation of a new technological order, the organizations with a high adaptive capacity for changes in the external and internal environment are the most viable. In this regard we see the need to create fundamentally new mechanisms for the development of an enterprise, based on a natural self-organization potential. Actual task lies in creation of an integrated mechanism for self-organization of an enterprise, in identification the structural components and their content. The article considers the issues of creation and practical implementation of the integrative mechanism of self-organization of production and economic systems in industry. The introduction of organizational sub-mechanism was based on the definition of the stage of self-organization, on the choice of options for managerial influences, on creation of a heterarchic governance structure and on the knowledge of organizational culture. In order to introduce the economic sub-mechanism in industrial enterprises, we developed maps of strategic goals, defined targets and self-organization coefficients taking into account the achievement of reference development zones. In motivational sub-mechanism, we differentiated the variants of stimulating influences by stages and phases of self-organization; we present methods of calculating wage. Within the framework of approbation of the information sub-mechanism of self-organization of production and economic systems, we propose the systems for collecting, storing, processing and monitoring information, which provide the work of the integrative mechanism of self-organization and its structural components. Theoretical and methodological research and practical approbation of mechanisms of self-organization at cement enterprises of the Orenburg region allowed to justify trends in creaion of the integrative mechanism of self-organization and to develop an algorithm for its creation and efficiency assessment. In the paper we defined the efficiency of the integrative mechanism of self-organization at cement plants in the Orenburg region. We justified the need for complex integrative use of its components, which provide a synergistic interaction between methods, tools and means of separate sub-mechanisms.
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