Kuznetsov Vladimir V. – Candidate of Science, Engineering, Associate Professor; Junior Researcher (Omsk State Technical University; National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
Kuznetsova Olga P. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor (Omsk State Technical University)
Galtseva Olga V. – Candidate of Science, Engineering, Associate Professor (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)
The specific features of the modern situation in Russia as well as in the whole global community is the high dynamics of the development of forms and methods of corruption only due to the powerful intellectual potential of corruption activity actors and options of the information and other technologies and means. The author considers corruption as the complex, multi-dimensional phenomenon that embraces all spheres of social relations between the civil society and the state. Its social essence is characterized by economic, political, legal, cultural, moral and psychological and other aspects. Bases for the extended definition of corruption as a sociological category inherent to any social and economic system are given.
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