Korotkaya Maria – (National Research Tomsk State University, Russian Federation)
The article deals with the issue of changing the management model in a research university. It presents theoretical aspects of employee engagement in change management and describes the mechanisms of employee engagement used at Tomsk State University. Using the example of this university, the author draws conclusions about the prospects of realization of one of the mechanisms.
► a model of employee engagement in change management was designed and approbated at Tomsk State University
► the positive effects of the model are the signs of formation of the university community, which are the appearance of informal horizontal professional links and project teams
► since November 2014, three contests of projects for improving the organization of education and research activity have been held at TSU; the results of these contests revealed the shortcomings of their organization
► voting does not require voters to understand all the intricacies of projects and be responsible for their judgments, which can result in biased estimation and unequal conditions
► project assessment results are unclear to contest participants
► implementation of projects reveals the deficiency of knowledge of rules and regulations among contest winners
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