Azarova Svetlana Petrovna – Candidate of Science, Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Marketing and Logistics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Nowadays one of the problem of the Russian labor market is a lack of highly qualified specialists and according to experts the current educational system is not able to graduate specialists of a high demand. Therefore educational programs are in need of a serious modernization which is aimed at the training of specialists meeting the requirements of employers. The research which was made by the author consists of analysis of second resources describing the requirements of employers to the competencies of graduating students, estimation of the labor market and the education system with an aim to better meet the competencies of bachelors in economics and requirements of the labor market. The analyses also include forecasts of requirements to the professions and professional skills of economists in the horizon of 10-15 years. As the result of the research the author formulates tasks of a university in the area of training bachelors in economics including both the use of new educational technologies and principles of academic staff formation and organization of the education process. Formulated tasks can be useful as practical recommendations while developing training programs and as areas for a further research within the framework of this problem.
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