Vartanova Marina Lvovna – (The Institute of Socio-Political Research under the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPR RAS))
According to the results of the monitoring of the integration processes of the Eurasian economic Union, the attitude of citizens of the member States to the creation of the EAEU, as in previous years, remains mainly positive. However, the States of the Eurasian economic Union still have much to do in order to maintain and stimulate public interest in unification. However, for a number of indicators, while the member States of the EEC lose to other countries of the world, for example, in the attractiveness of educational services, scientific and technical cooperation, imported goods and capital. Therefore, it is very important to provide timely information to the General public about the ongoing work on the development of integration, to conduct an objective discussion about its advantages and disadvantages for the population, for business, for individual countries and their regions
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