Kharitonova Yuliya Vladimirovna – (RANEPA (Lipetsk branch))
The article is devoted to the study of the specific effects on the personnel management system of the existing political regimes historically in the territory of the Russian Federation. The author has conducted an analytical review of the developments of competent specialists in various fields of activity with regard to the separate features of the political regime; the key difference between this definition and the concept of the political system has been determined. In this context, the author hypothesized that the effectiveness of the success of each enterprise’s activity in any field of business depends on its employees, and the political regime in effect in the country of operation of the enterprise determines certain aspects of the process of building a personnel management system. Through the method of analyzing competent literary sources, synthesizing and comparing theoretical materials, the author highlighted fundamental concepts in an integrated system of personnel management of the country in the framework of the functioning of a certain political regime. As a result of the work, trends in the influence of the current political regime in Russia on modern personnel management systems are indicated, which is of practical significance for the system of personnel management of domestic enterprises.
The article discusses the features of the influence of the political regime on the formation and development of the personnel management system in all areas of the country's economy. In the conditions of dynamic changes, there is a clear problem of finding new mechanisms for managing personnel that will meet the challenges of a democratic society. In this context, personnel technologies that are used as a method of enhancing the driving force of Russian production human resources are also of particular importance. The key quality of modern democracy in the personnel management system in the conditions of the functioning of the current political regime of the Russian Federation is the possibility of development, accumulation of intellectual capital, as well as full participation of staff in the management of the organization.
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