Zilbershteyn Oleg Borukhovich – (Consulting Bureau “Red Panda”)
Kotov Vladimir Vladimirovich – (Institute of World Civilizations)
Shklyar Tatiana Lvovna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
The purpose of the article is to familiarize readers with the results of the study of the dynamics of total revenue from sales in the field of "Sports and recreation activities" and the forecast of changes in this indicator. To achieve the goal in the article: the characteristic of the object of study is given; the calculated indicators of dynamics (annual growth rates, average growth rates and absolute values of average growth) of total revenue from the sale of all enterprises and organizations of the industry are suggested; the calculated indices of seasonality (by constant average and moving average) are shown; trend lines for growth rates are constructed. The results of forecasts of total revenue in the industry are shown. To solve the tasks and achieve the goal, general logical methods of cognition, statistical analysis of growth rates, graphical analysis were used. The main result presented in the article is the forecast values of total revenue in the industry. As a scientific novelty, we can consider the seasonality identified by us and, accordingly, the quarterly assessment of the influence of the seasonality factor on revenue. The practical significance of the article is that its main results, provisions and conclusions can be used in the development of a strategy for the development of sports complex, management and investment decisions. The data obtained in the article will be useful for scientists,economists, scientific and pedagogical workers to expand and deepen understanding of the dynamics of total revenue in the field of "Sports and recreation activities". The methodological base of the article can serve as an example in the formation of research competencies of students, undergraduates and graduate students.
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