Zorin Aleksandr Sergeevich – (The St. Petersburg State University of Economics)
Zorina Natalya Anatolevna – (The St. Petersburg State University of Economics)
Safrygin Pavel Alekseevich – (The St. Petersburg State University of Economics)
The article focuses on developing an approach to improve the functioning of the sectoral staffing system and describes its employment with the purpose of addressing the current shortage of qualified personnel in main job categories in St. Petersburg’s bakery industry, which shows the relevance thereof. The approach is developed on the basis of the analyzed theoretical views, own theoretical insights and field experience in the subject under study and is built on the major features of the entrepreneurial culture using the Integrated Staffing Model as the backbone. As a complement to the said model, the authors suggest to define the Organizational Culture as an adhocracy culture, whereas the External Conditions as the entrepreneurial culture - entrepreneurial environment. In this regard, the article contains the description of a general structure of the sectoral staffing model including the major conceptual features of its functioning within St. Petersburg’s bakery industry. The External Conditions component covers the integrative linkages within the sectoral staffing system in St. Petersburg’s bakery industry, detailing their interactions and composition in the areas of education, science, and entrepreneurship through the Healing Power of Bread program, a sectoral industrial, social and educational program implemented by the St. Petersburg Bakers Association.
St. Petersburg’s bakery industry faces a shortage of qualified personnel in main job categories such as bakers and technologists. The article focuses on developing an approach to improve the functioning of the sectoral staffing system that appears to be an interrelated mechanism which forms an efficient model of strengthening the personnel resources for the real economy through building the creative and integrative linkages on the basis of the principles of the entrepreneurial culture. Externally, the said integration takes place in the areas of education, science, and entrepreneurship, whereas internally, it occurs between all staffing elements within a bakery enterprise. The developed approach will make it possible to gradually build the sectoral staffing system on the principles of the entrepreneurial culture that serves as a sectoral philosophy and conceptual ideology.
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