Legchilina Elena Yurevna – (Omsk State Transport University)
The article deals with the innovative development of social and labor relations on the basis of networking. The theoretical and methodological aspects of the network models of social and labor relations with the use of institutional axiological approach are investigated. The author proposed a methodology for building a network system of social and labor relations including six blocks of "social and economic efficiency in the system of social and labor relations", "structure and infrastructure of the network of interactions", "corporate value network", "institutional space of the network", "the ability to transform", "coevolution conditionality". The paper deals with new approaches to the formation of different configurations of network models of social and labor relations. The basic configurations of network models of social and labor relations are proposed: divisional network model of social and labor relations, matrix network model, agent network model, network pyramid (vertical network), technological network of social and labor relations. The results of this study can serve as a methodological basis for the design of network models of social and labor relations of any company
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