Zhernov Evgeniy Evgenevich – (Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev)
Nekhoda Evgeniya Vladimirovna – (National Research Tomsk State University)
Redchikova Nataliya Aleksandrovna – (National Research Tomsk State University)
The article attempts to substantiate the imperativeness of moral and ethical component of the concept of creating shared value, formulates ethical conditions for the implementation of the concept. The subject of the study is the phenomenon of creating shared values as a market process in the context of humanistic social, ecological and moral values. The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the moral component of the economic activity of creating values, to emphasize the problems of increasing social wealth in “conscious capitalism” and strengthening the priority of the labour activity of the employee who creates economic value.
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