Emili Pekket Rodzhers, Sara Barbrou A look at altmetrics and its growing significance to research libraries // Scholarly Communication Review. — 2015. — Vol. 5. — № 3. — p. 126-132. — doi: 10.18334/np53181
Konstantin Kokarev Internet and Libraries: Competition and Partnership // Scholarly Communication Review. — 2014. — Vol. 4. — № 2. — p. 28-29. — doi: 10.18334/np42172
Galina Gordukalova Bibliometrics, scientometrics and webometrics – from the number of rows in the works of Aristotle // Scholarly Communication Review. — 2014. — Vol. 4. — № 2. — p. 40-46. — doi: 10.18334/np42127
Konstantin Sukhorukov Internet and Libraries: Competition and Partnership // Scholarly Communication Review. — 2014. — Vol. 4. — № 2. — p. 63-66. — doi: 10.18334/np42129