Volume 4, Number 2 (March-April, 2014)
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Egor Abramov От редакции | 1-1 |
Emili Poznanski Open Access Funding | 4-8 |
Mark Grinberg Bottlenecks in the Open-Access System: Voices from Around the Globe | 9-20 |
Veronika Ugrikova Bottlenecks in the Open-Access System: Voices from Around the Globe | 21-23 |
Konstantin Kokarev Internet and Libraries: Competition and Partnership | 28-29 |
Irina Korotkina Literacy Scientific Text: Conceptual Differences Between Russia and The West and Their Consequences | 34-39 |
Galina Gordukalova Bibliometrics, scientometrics and webometrics – from the number of rows in the works of Aristotle | 40-46 |
Valeriya Suvorova, Marina Shmidt Internet and Libraries: Competition and Partnership | 50-55 |
Konstantin Sukhorukov Internet and Libraries: Competition and Partnership | 63-66 |
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