Volume 1, Number 3 (May-June, 2011)
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Fedor Vetkalov Editorial | 1-2 |
Svetlana Mamaeva Communication strategies of scientists | 6-12 |
Yulina Mashninova Internet-user as a potential customer for electronic newspapers and magazines | 16-21 |
Egor Abramov Creating a site for a scientific journal in Russia | 22-26 |
Ilya Zakhodyakin How to comply with the requirement of the Higher Attestation Commissionfor transparency with the benefit for publishers? | 28-31 |
Natalya Abramova ISSN: concept, design rules and the need to use | 34-37 |
Igor Melnikov Интервью с заместителем главного редактора журнала «Вода: химия и экология» Мельниковым Игорем Олеговичем | 43-46 |
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