Volume 10, Number 7 (July 2016) Switch to Russian: Previous Issue <- | Archive | -> Next IssueSharapova T.V., Baksha N.V. Some aspects of commercialization of results of the scientific applies researches and developments in the Russian Federation 691–704Denisenkov N.A. Assessment of competitiveness of the high-tech industrial company 705–712Cherkasova E.M. Theoretical and methodological issues in the sphere of management of the companies' innovative activity 713–732Bolshakov A.L. Innovative mechanism for creation of “competitiveness poles” on the Russian territory 733–746Gulevskaya Yu.A., Lapina E.N. Assessment of innovative activity of the Stavropol Territory based on the building of the rating 747–766Zakharov V.E. Analysis of conditions and prospects for development of innovative renewable energy solutions in China 767–778Yalunina E.N., Foteeva N.A. Methods for assessment of competitiveness of the pre-school educational institution 779–792Kosmin A.D., Kuznetsov V.V., Kuznetsova O.P., Galtseva O.V. Issues of increasing effectiveness of investment to education 793–812Kosyakov M.A., Shaidulina T.T. Communication strategies of the leading Russian high schools 813–828Burilina М.А., Akhmadeev B.A. Analysis of the variety of architectures and methods for modeling of decentralized systems based on the agent-oriented approach 829–848Morozov V.A. Corporate culture as a source of compatibility and interaction of organizations 849–868Tsivun V.V., Panasyuk М.О. Model for competences of the manager in conditions of knowledge-based economy 869–882Previous Issue <- | Archive | -> Next Issue