Belousov Oleg Aleksandrovich – (Tver State Technical University)
Targets for creating and modernizing 25 million highly productive jobs by 2020 were formulated in the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation from may 7, 2012. However, the lack of a unified approach to the identification of high-productivity jobs in domestic economic practice causes significant differences in the assessment of their number. The author analyzes the dynamics of the number and structure of high-performance jobs in Russia, which allowed to state a significant inter-regional and sectoral differentiation, both in terms of districts and subjects of the Russian Federation. The article defines the potential of the Tver region in terms of creating high-performance jobs. It is concluded that the negative increase in the number of high-performance jobs over the past few years, both in the Tver region and in the Russian Federation makes it unrealistic to achieve the target of high-performance jobs by 2020.
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