Serba Elena – VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology» (VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology»)
Rimareva Lyubov – VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology» (VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology»)
Sokolova Elena – VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology» (VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology»)
Borscheva Julia – VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology» (VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology»)
Kurbatova Elena – VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology» (VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology»)
Volkova Galina – VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology» (VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology»)
Pogorzhelskaya Natalya – VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology» (VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology»)
Martynenko Nikolay – VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology» (VNIIPBT – branch of FGBUN «FRC of nutrition and biotechnology»)
The monograph presents monitoring results of the advanced processing of agricultural raw materials and creation of resource-saving technologies for biologically active food ingredients and feed additives. We submit theoretical and experimental data on the se-lection and screening of promising strains of microorganisms (such as yeast, fungi and bacteria) which are producers of protein, essential amino acids, valuable polysaccharides, organic acids, enzymes and vitamins; we also provide theoretical and experimental data on advanced processing of plant and microbial raw materials, including secondary raw materials in biosynthetic and bio-catalytic processes. In the book we pay special attention to the solution of problems related to ecology, nutrition and human health based on the development of a process system for controlled direct bioconversion of polymers of grain raw materials and bio-resources of agro-industrial complex through new highly active strains of microorganisms and enzyme systems with different substrate specificity. The monograph presents generalized and systematized analytical patent research data, data on review of scientific literature and results of experimental studies carried out by the authors and funded by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) No. 16-16-00104. The monograph is intended to be applied in scientific research in biotechnology, especially in bio-catalytic and biosynthetic technologies; in training bachelors and masters of «Biotechnology», «Food Biotechnology», «Fermentation and Wine Making», etc.
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