Lomovtseva Natalia – (Ulyanovsk State University, Russian Federation)
The article deals with the dynamics of salaries in the educational institutions of the Russian Federation after the introduction of new labor remuneration system in the social sphere and the release of presidential decrees on implementation of measures to improve social policy. The author has analyzed the ratio of salaries of education employees and the main indices that have formed in the country’s economy, according to the educational institutions of various levels of state and municipal authorities’ jurisdiction, according to the number of employees depending on the amount of accrued salaries, according to the average monthly salary of education employees of general education in federal districts. The following conclusions have been made.
► the main premise of the transition to new labor remuneration conditions is a budgetary institution’s independence in setting up of remuneration for each employee within the boundaries of the provided finances and stimulation of this labor by establishing the procedure for paying extra charge in accordance with work results
► when characterizing salary dynamics in educational institutions, it is necessary to consider the salary level in the public sector as a whole for the analyzed period
► salary growth rate in the educational institutions in 2009-2012 corresponds to that in budgetary institutions as a whole in Russia
► the highest level of accrued average salary in the public sector is observed in the institutions of federal jurisdiction
► the highest amounts of salary in the public sector for the considered period have been accrued in federal institutions and the lowest – in the municipal ones
► the level of accrued average monthly salary is more or less the same in the institutions of both federal and regional institutions while in municipal institutions it amounted to 55 % of their level
► low remuneration level in the social sphere has raised the necessity to search for new managerial decisions to increase this level
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