Asludinova Larina Sergeevna – Postgraduate student of economic faculty, Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy Brand Manager of Advertising department, “Autoworld-32”, LLC , “Autoworld” Group
Berestov Viktor Illarionovich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of economics and administration in enterprises of forest industry and nature resouces management of economic faculty, Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy
Definition and justification of the methodological approach to the evaluation of management efficiency of a small furniture company, in view of partnership factor, are given. The paper used abstract and logical method, the method of observation and analysis. Basing on various indicator systems to measure the efficiency of an enterprise management and the specificity of small furniture enterprises activity the methodical approach to the evaluation of management efficiency of a small furniture company in view of partnership factor, was suggested. The need to consider this factor when evaluating management efficiency of a small furniture company is justified. Key parameters in this filed are suggested. The importance of each parameter is justified. Practical significance of the approach is in the possibility to better assess management efficiency of a small furniture company, and, accordingly, to improve its manageability, competitiveness and financial stability.
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