Markova Yuliya Nikolaevna – (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin)
Podolyak Olga Olegovna – (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin)
This article proposes a practical algorithm to calculate the standard time to account for the increase in the share of passive monitoring when performing technological operations in small-scale production of complex technology products. On the basis of a series conducted by the authors of the studies of work time expenditures on scientific-production enterprise performed the testing.
• Increased automation requires changes in the approach to the organization and regulation of labor basic work. Fundamentally changes the specificity of work and level of production workers, including by increasing the share of passive monitoring when performing technological operations.
• For an objective assessment of the level of labor costs for the production of sophisticated technology products in modern conditions is necessary to adjust the existing approach to the calculation of time norms taking into account the overlapping elements of the technological and labor processes.
• The classification of working time and the structure of the rules of time, taking into account organizational and technical conditions of the operations research and production enterprise of the Ural region to conduct a series of observations.
• The proposed algorithm of calculation of standard time for implementation of the investigated transactions for the overlapping elements of the technological process, examples of calculations by the proposed method.
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