Features of retail enterprises communicative policy in modern conditions

Депутатова Е.Ю.1, Ребрикова Н.В.2
1 Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова
2 Финансовый Университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации

Journal paper

Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship *
Volume 19, Number 11 (November 2018)
* Этот журнал не выпускается в Первом экономическом издательстве

Please, cite as:
Deputatova E.Yu., Rebrikova N.V. Osobennosti kommunikativnoy politiki roznichnyh torgovyh predpriyatiy v sovremennyh usloviyakh // Rossiyskoe predprinimatelstvo. – 2018. – Tom 19. – № 11. – S. 3413-3424. – doi: 10.18334/rp.19.11.39588.

Features of communicative policy implementation of retail trade organizations depend on conditions of their functioning. Global digitalization could not help affect such areas in retail as marketing communications. To maintain competitive positions, trade organizations need to form a quality connection with the consumer in both online and offline formats. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that commerce is characterized by a high level of competition, and to attract and retain customers every day becomes more difficult. Consumers use alternative channels of shopping and try to limit the flow of information actively coming from outside. Therefore, retailers are trying to use a set of advertising and marketing tools to accurately reach their target audience. The authors identified a number of trends in marketing communications, typical for both online and offline trade, identified problem areas of online trade and the associated complexity of communication processes. The article can be useful for Internet managers, specialists, retailers, determining the ways of doing business, informing and stimulating consumers in the conditions of omnichannel.

Keywords: innovation, marketing communications, consumer behavior, e-commerce, retail trade organizations

JEL-classification: O31, M31, L81


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