Manager's role in conflict prevention in commercial organization

Прокудина О.О.1
1 Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Russia

Journal paper

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Volume 3, Number 3 (July)

Please, cite as:
Prokudina O.O. Rol rukovoditelya v preduprezhdenii konfliktov v kommercheskoy organizatsii // Liderstvo i menedzhment. – 2016. – Tom 3. – № 3. – S. 189-198. – doi: 10.18334/lim.3.3.35799.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 6 by 25.03.2022

Research on the improving the efficiency of commercial organizations become very significant in market economy. The strong influence of the environment, competitiveness and constant changes promote the aggravation of contradictions in the organizations and the deterioration of the socio-psychological climate. The problem of destructive conflict prevention is often delegated to the manager. The article considers the characteristics of conflict nature of commercial organization and the methods of conflict prevention both from the position of interpersonal relationships and the formal aspects of the problem such as the management decisions of administration of the organization.

Keywords: conflict prevention, conflict in organization, manager's role

JEL-classification: M54, J88, J45


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