Kostrova Yuliya Borisovna – (Moscow Witte University – Ryazan branch)
Shibarshina Olga Yurevna – (Moscow Witte University – Ryazan branch)
The authors in this article analyze the domestic and foreign experience in regulating the activities of self-employed citizens. The purpose of this work is to consider the main directions of the state policy in relation to the self-employed population in Russia and abroad. General and general scientific methods of research, such as: comparison, analysis, synthesis, dialectics, analogy, heuristic approach were used in the work. The study showed that the problem of self-employment of the population can have several main aspects. On the one hand, self-employed citizens create jobs on their own, which leads to higher economic growth and lower registered unemployment. On the other hand, many of them try to avoid the duties and responsibilities, as well as tax fees provided for officially employed citizens and entrepreneurs. In this regard, there is a danger in state regulation to focus not on the support of self-employed, but only on the fight against "false self-employment". The authors come to the conclusion that the state policy in relation to self-employed in the Russian Federation should be multifaceted, aimed at the development of self-employment, and, at the same time, to control this process.
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