Lanskaya Darya Vladimirovna – (Kuban State University)
Yakovlenko Anastasiya Egorovna – (Kuban State University)
This article is devoted to the actual problem of formation of regional strategy of neoindustrialization on the basis of the sixth technological mode. On this basis, the authors analyzed the global trends in the formation of the knowledge economy, as well as the ability of the capital of the Krasnodar region to build this kind of economy. The promising areas of research and development for the formation of innovative core of traditional industries in the region, as well as the need to create the foundation of a smart economy in the region. Based on the results of the study, a field of strategies for the implementation of a new industrial policy at the regional level in relation to the Kuban was developed and measures for the formation of the foundations of the functioning of the knowledge economy in the southern region were proposed. It is determined that neo-industrialization is a universal tool of industrial policy, designed to simultaneously revive the economy of the region and create the Foundation for the formation of a smart economy through the emergence of new high-tech and innovative industries.
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