Bogomolova Evgeniya Yurevna – (Baikal State University)
Novikov Aleksandr Viktorovich – (Baikal State University)
Despite a large number of works devoted to the study of the problems of the development of the domestic oil and gas complex, the regional specifics of the production and sale of oil and gas are reflected to a much lesser degree. Analysts focus on research of both the world and domestic oil and gas complex. In these works, materials on oil and gas reserves, volumes of their extraction, processing and sale, as well as directions of transportation of hydrocarbon resources are presented. However, the reviewed works affect regional features of the functioning of the oil and gas complex insignificantly. In the article presented, the authors attempted to eliminate this gap by analyzing the oil and gas complex using the example of one of the most promising regions of Russia for oil and gas production - the Irkutsk region. This article presents an analysis of some existing forecasts for the development of the oil and gas complex in the Irkutsk region, provides a critical assessment of them, presents a comparative analysis of the Irkutsk Oblast NGK development forecasts with actual data, and provides short-term forecasts.
1. The Irkutsk region has a high resource potential in the extraction of oil and natural gas.
2. Due to the insufficient geological study of the territory, it is possible to predict the volumes of oil and gas production in the Irkutsk region (with a certain accuracy) only in the short-term perspective.
3. The main factor constraining the growth of oil production and gas, is the problem with additional investments in geological exploration, exploration and development of new fields.
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