Sukharev Mikhail Valentinovich – (Karelian Research Centre of the RAS)
In the article the analysis of new phenomena in the world economy (e-Commerce, bradwardine, crowdfunding, cryptocurrency, and blockchain) from the point of view of strengthening of different types of network interactions of people in the global market. The basis of these phenomena are systems of digital communications, but the implications of the new forms of communication is much broader than simply lowering prices and accelerating transfer of the messages. Similarly, the emergence of complementary oral language writing and press has led to the advancing progress of some civilizations. New ways of communication create opportunities for a creative evolutionary process to create new types of social systems, from the level of economic organizations to transnational entities. A review of the literature on network forms of self-organization, blockchain technology and the potential impact of the synthesis of the blockchain and network communities, the analysis used a systematic approach, including the analysis and comparison of the structures of network interactions in innovation, production, commercial and financial spheres. On the basis of the analysis the thesis of the fundamental changes in the structure of socio-economic relations in society and the replacement of corporations with a vertical management system for dynamic network structures is put forward. The influence of network communities on the development of social and human capital is substantiated.
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