Svetnik Nataliya Vasilevna – (Baikal State University)
The article attempts to identify stakeholders interested in developing a regional industrial policy. Was shown that in Russian theory and practice is absent consensus on the interpretation of the Federal Law No. 488-FZ «On industrial policy» provisions concerning the subjects of industrial policy. Gave a comparison of approaches to stakeholders’ definition and description of their activities. Concluded that generally researchers focusing not on the description of their activities, but on the requirements for it, without explaining how it can be implemented at different levels of economic organization. It is necessary to overrunning the common notion to the working-out of industrial policy through indicators and shifting the emphasis on methods of its development by applying collective thought activity of stakeholders. A platform for stage the interaction of all participants — organizational and activity game, where on the project basis it is possible to determine the broad outline of regional industrial policy. Were addressed the methodological issues of stakeholders’ purposeful interaction or-ganization in the developing of regional industrial policy: positional stratification of the policy’s subjects, structural-functional scheme of organizational and activity game for the regional industrial policy’s working-out.
• The Federal Law No. 488-FZ «On industrial policy» is recognized as a framework for regional industrial laws, has a number of shortcomings.
• In Russian theory and practice is absent consensus on the interpretation of its provisions concerning the subjects of industrial policy.
• In the author's opinion, the following issues are still practically not discussed: which groups are interested in the region's industrial policy; who and how will developing this policy at different levels of the economy.
• Gave a comparison of approaches to stakeholders’ definition and description of their activities according to Russian researchers. Concluded that generally researchers focusing not on the description of their activities, but on the requirements for it, without explaining how it can be implemented at different levels of economic organization.
• The author proposed a list of regional industrial policy’s stakeholders, due to the need to ensure the harmonization of the rates of production, currency of money, consumption, financing, etc. It includes a minimum of 15 items.
• Using method positional stratification, the subjects of regional industrial policy were assigned to six positions: authority, financial sector, business consumers, society and innovative position.
• A platform for stage its interaction — organizational and activity game, where on the project basis it is possible to determine the broad outline of regional industrial policy.
• The structural-functional scheme of all participants’ cooperation is offered.
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