Otinova Marina Evgenevna – (The Scientific-Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agroindustrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation)
Gavrilova Zoya Vadimovna – (The Scientific-Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agroindustrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation)
The relevance of the research is highlighted by the need to determine the effectiveness and prospects of various forms of entrepreneurial activity in the agroindustrial complex to develop sound scientific and practical recommendations, including proposals to enhance the use of their own capabilities of business organizations of various forms, which will contribute to the effective functioning of entrepreneurship in the agroindustrial complex on the basis of innovative development and building long-term mutually beneficial relations with state authorities and local communities. The purpose of this research is to assess the effectiveness of the functioning of various forms of entrepreneurial activity in agriculture and the development on this basis of the main areas of interaction of business structures. In the course of the research the following methods were used: monographic, abstract and logical, methods of statistical summary and grouping, computational and constructive. The study presents a retrospective analysis of the development of various forms of entrepreneurship in Russia, which allowed to identify trends in the development of modern entrepreneurship and identified promising areas of interaction between large and small forms of entrepreneurship.
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