Popov A.V. – (Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences )
The development of promising industries and the economy on a whole largely depends on labor availability. It meets the requirements of the system of social production relating its qualitative characteristics. At the same time, economic entities need workers not only with certain qualifica-tions and training, but also having a number of personal qualities. Taking into account the scale of the possible consequences in the event of incompatibility of the qualitative characteristics of the population with the requirements of employers, it seems relevant to address this problem in mod-ern Russia. This predetermined the purpose of the article. The research is based on the monitoring data of the qualitative state of labor potential of the Vologda Oblast population for the period 1997-2017. The analysis has shown that the professional qualities of a large part of society meet the needs of employers. Along with this, there are cases of underutilization of accumulated hu-man capital, which can lead to its depreciation in the future. Another important point is the posi-tive dynamics (at large) of population’s personal characteristics in the context of changing envi-ronmental conditions. Against this background, there are fears of reducing workplace require-ments for cognitive potential, with actual level of its development being low. On the other hand, the increased demand of the economy for the creative abilities is worsened by negative changes in this characteristic.
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