Lomakina Anastasiya Igorevna – (Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences)
It’s the Canadian example of adaptation to the low-price conditions that is most interesting, as the country is both crude oil exporter and importer. Canadian crude regions-producers and regions-importers, separated by the thousands of kilometers and until recently unconnected each with other, finally get tied by pipelines, which gave them new possibilities to win through the crisis. Change of transport and logistic schemes as well as geographical structure of crude oil import is fetched out: increase of the part of American crude, replacement of import crude by the Western-Canadian one. Change of transport and logistic schemes of delivery of Canadian crude oil abroad as well as to the distant oil refining Canadian centers is analyzed. Improvement of transport infrastructure allows finding flexible logistic schemes and adapting to new conditions in crisis years. At the same time, in the period of high prices, it allows to find the most effective ways of selling products, i.e. gives the whole complex of industries flexibility and viability. Despite the oil low prices and decrease of capital investment the Canadian oil producers are going to increase the crude production as well as exportation and diversify the consumer market.
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